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directed by: Rob Reiner

183010 votes

Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan

genres: Comedy

Runtime: 95 Minutes

I absolutely love this movie! It has everything a great movie should have: a clever, witty, romantic, touching, and absolutely hilarious script, and fantastic performances. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan make the perfect couple, because they start off as friends but end up in love. Another reason why this movie is so great is because it appeals to both women and men. Everyone should see "When Harry Met Sally" because it's one of the best romantic comedies I've ever seen.

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Keď harry stretol sally download full free. Ke c4 8f harry stretol sally download full for sale. I never understood women and romantic comedies. I could never see the point of spending two hours of your time to watch a movie about two lovers being forced from each other and striving to reunite. I mean where's the interest in that? I'm not saying that I'm a dumb die-hard that needs action to be satisfied, but I do ask that I be given a valid reason to stick around for the touchy love story.
So when I decided to rent 'When Harry Met Sally' you could tell that there was going to be some hesitation involved. It looked like any other majorly cliché chick flick that I had previously wasted hours of patience with. But after reading some of the reviews given to it by various critics I thought to myself "You know what, maybe this going to be something different, something better" and as it turns out, it was.
When Harry Met Sally is a wonderful relief. I finally found a romantic comedy that I can feel comfortable watching. It's an amusing story about that old question; can men and women be friends? It features one of the best match ups ever assembled on screen and a socially hilarious script by Nora Ephron. It's easily the best romantic comedy ever. Meg Ryan is absolutely beautiful and Billy Crystal nails the role of the obnoxious male friend. Of course I can't forget Rob Reiner's brilliant direction, wait a go Rob. It's a shame he doesn't make more movies like this because it really suits him. "When Harry Met Sally" is a clever, witty, hilariously entertaining movie, if whatever reason you decide to watch a chick flick, make it this one.

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